Gmail API MIME types

December 25th, 2016

I’ve found Gmail’s API surprisingly confusing, mostly because email was so clearly built in a time before JSON. The message payload is broken into parts, depending on the structure (attachments, images) of the email, each labeled with a different, poorly documented mimeType.

After an hour of clicking around1, I came to this understanding of the various MIME types.

MIME Types


Most messages composed by people have a plaintext version, for email readers that do not support HTML.


Most rich emails are actually HTML. This one tends to be the most canonical.


This type is for message bodies with an embedded image. The ‘parts’ of this component should be the message contents (sometimes, this is just text/plain if this is a plain email or it can be multipart/alternative)


When messages have an attachment (that could be an image). The parts of this component are usually either multipart/related (if there is an embedded image) or text/html. If there is an attachment, this will likely be at the top level.


When there are plaintext and html versions of this message. Most emails will have this at the top level, unless there is an attachment.

MIME example hierachies

Plain Email

  • text/plain

HTML Email2

  • multipart/alternative
    • text/plain
    • text/html

HTML Email with embedded image

  • multipart/related
    • multipart/alternative
      • text/plain
      • text/html
    • image/png (embedded image)

HTML Email with embedded image and attachment

  • multipart/mixed
    • multipart/related
      • multipart/alternative
        • text/plain
        • text/html
      • image/png (embedded image)
    • image/png (attached image)

HTML Email with attachment

  • multiplart/mixed
    • multipart/alternative
      • text/plain
      • text/html
    • image/png (attached image)
  1. MIME Types

  2. Usually HTML emails will come with a plaintext alternative, but it’s pretty to imagine the structure of a html-only email. 😁